Rudimentary Architecture for the Use of Beginners

The Orders and Their Æsthetic Principles

W. H. Leeds

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Beschreibung zu „Rudimentary Architecture for the Use of Beginners“

In 'Rudimentary Architecture for the Use of Beginners,' W. H. Leeds provides a comprehensive guide to the basics of architectural design and construction. Through detailed explanations and illustrations, Leeds covers everything from the fundamentals of building materials to the principles of structural design. Written in a clear and concise style, the book serves as a valuable resource for aspiring architects and students seeking to gain a solid understanding of the architectural process. Leeds' emphasis on practical knowledge and hands-on learning makes this book a must-read for anyone interested in the field of architecture. W. H. Leeds, a renowned architect and educator, brings years of experience to his work, providing readers with invaluable insights into the world of architecture. His passion for teaching and dedication to his craft shine through in 'Rudimentary Architecture for the Use of Beginners,' making it a standout text in the field. Leeds' expertise and commitment to the education of future architects make this book a vital addition to any architectural library. I highly recommend 'Rudimentary Architecture for the Use of Beginners' to both aspiring architects and students looking to expand their knowledge of architectural design. Leeds' thorough approach and practical focus make this book an essential resource for anyone interested in the art and science of building design.


Good Press




ca. 97





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