Green Mansions

A Romance of the Tropical Forest

W. H. Hudson

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Beschreibung zu „Green Mansions“

W. H. Hudson's 'Green Mansions' is a captivating blend of romance, adventure, and nature writing that transports the reader to the lush landscapes of the Venezuelan rainforest. Written in a lyrical and poetic style, the novel explores themes of love, redemption, and the clash between civilization and the natural world. Hudson's vivid descriptions of the flora and fauna create a vivid backdrop for the story of Abel, a mysterious man who lives in a remote forest and falls in love with a beautiful native girl named Rima. As their relationship unfolds, the reader is drawn into a world of enchantment and mystery. While the book was first published in 1904, its timeless themes and evocative prose continue to resonate with readers today. W. H. Hudson's deep connection to nature and his experiences living in South America provide a rich foundation for 'Green Mansions.' His keen observations of the natural world and his belief in the importance of preserving the environment shine through in this lyrical masterpiece. I highly recommend 'Green Mansions' to anyone who enjoys classic literature, nature writing, or romantic tales with a touch of mystery.


Good Press




ca. 258





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