Make Believe Fiancé

Vivi Holt


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Beschreibung zu „Make Believe Fiancé“

The engagement is fake, but the feelings are real.
Gwen Alder is starting over. Divorced and broke, she's come to Billings, Montana for a new beginning. But waitressing at a roadside diner for the summer isn't paying the bills. Heath Montgomery almost has it all—fame, fortune and a mega-watt smile. The one thing he's missing is a date for his cousin's wedding.
When Gwen and Heath cross paths, Heath has an idea: what if he paid Gwen to be his date? No strings, no complications, just a simple transaction to get his parents off his back about settling down. When the wedding date ruse goes well, Heath asks Gwen to play his fiancé...for an entire weekend.
They're nothing alike. To them, it's just a business arrangement. They definitely don't plan to fall for each other. But sometimes love has plans of its own.
Explore all the books in Vivi Holt's Make Believe collection:

- Make Believe Proposal
- Make Believe Fiancé
- Make Believe Wedding
- Make Believe Honeymoon
- Make Believe Husband
- Make Believe Marriage


8th Note Press




ca. 166





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