Virginia Woolf - Essays

Virginia Woolf August Nemo


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Beschreibung zu „Virginia Woolf - Essays“

Welcome to the Essays collection. A special selection of the nonfiction prose from influential and noteworthy authors. This book brings 22 of best essays of Virginia Woolf, across a wide range of subjects, including writing, feminism, Jane Austen, literature, poetry and many more topics.Virginia Woolf was an english writer known for her novels, essays and book reviews. Her fiction and ideas about literature, feminism and art, altered the course of literature. Many of her most relevant works were published by Tacet Books.The book contains the following texts:- Introduction by Edmund Gosse- The Modern Essay- A Room of One's Own- Modern Fiction- How Should One Read A Book?- How It Strikes a Contemporary- Craftsmanship- The Art of Biography- Why?- The Death of the Moth- The Humane Art- The Man at the Gate- The Novels of E. M. Forster- A Letter to a Young Poet- Jane Austen- Joseph Conrad- The Russian Point Of View- "Jane Eyre" And "Wuthering Heights"- George Eliot- American Fiction- The Art Of Fiction- On Re-Reading Novels- The Artist And Politics

Über Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf nació en Londres el 25 de enero de 1882 y murió el 28 de marzo de 1941, ahogada en el río Ouse. Al fallecer su padre, el conocido hombre de letras sir Leslie Stephen, Virginia y su hermana Vanessa abandonaron el elegante barrio de Kensington y se trasladaron al bohemio Bloomsbury, que dio nombre al brillante grupo literario formado alrededor de las hermanas Stephen. En 1912, Virginia se casó con Leonard Woolf; años después, fundaron y dirigieron juntos la editorial Hogarth Press. Considerada como una de las autoras más revolucionarias e imprescindibles del siglo xx, entre sus obras más importantes cabe destacar La señora Dalloway (1925), Al faro (1927), Orlando (1928), Las olas (1931), Los años (1937) y Entre actos (1941).

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