Orlando: A Biography

Virginia Woolf

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Beschreibung zu „Orlando: A Biography“

Orlando: A Biography by Virginia Woolf is a groundbreaking work that blends fiction, biography, and fantasy. The novel traces the life of Orlando, a nobleman in Elizabethan England, who mysteriously transforms into a woman midway through the book and lives for centuries without significantly aging. The story begins with Orlando as a young man in the 16th century, a favorite of Queen Elizabeth I. Orlando is a passionate, adventurous individual, deeply engaged in literature and arts. As a man, Orlando experiences the privileges and constraints of masculine society, engaging in love affairs and fulfilling societal expectations of his gender and class. In a surprising twist, Orlando falls into a deep sleep and awakens as a woman, continuing her life into the 18th and 19th centuries. This transformation allows Woolf to explore themes of gender, sexuality, and identity in a society rigidly bound by gender roles. As a woman, Orlando faces a different set of challenges and societal norms, providing a sharp contrast to her experiences as a man.

Über Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf nació en Londres el 25 de enero de 1882 y murió el 28 de marzo de 1941, ahogada en el río Ouse. Al fallecer su padre, el conocido hombre de letras sir Leslie Stephen, Virginia y su hermana Vanessa abandonaron el elegante barrio de Kensington y se trasladaron al bohemio Bloomsbury, que dio nombre al brillante grupo literario formado alrededor de las hermanas Stephen. En 1912, Virginia se casó con Leonard Woolf; años después, fundaron y dirigieron juntos la editorial Hogarth Press. Considerada como una de las autoras más revolucionarias e imprescindibles del siglo xx, entre sus obras más importantes cabe destacar La señora Dalloway (1925), Al faro (1927), Orlando (1928), Las olas (1931), Los años (1937) y Entre actos (1941).






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