Night and Day

Virginia Woolf

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Beschreibung zu „Night and Day“

It was a Sunday evening in October, and in common with many other young ladies of her class, Katharine Hilbery was pouring out tea. Perhaps a fifth part of her mind was thus occupied, and the remaining parts leapt over the little barrier of day which interposed between Monday morning and this rather subdued moment, and played with the things one does voluntarily and normally in the daylight. But although she was silent, she was evidently mistress of a situation which was familiar enough to her, and inclined to let it take its way for the six hundredth time, perhaps, without bringing into play any of her unoccupied faculties. A single glance was enough to show that Mrs. Hilbery was so rich in the gifts which make tea parties of elderly distinguished people successful, that she scarcely needed any help from her daughter, provided that the tiresome business of teacups and bread and butter was discharged for her.

Über Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf nació en Londres el 25 de enero de 1882 y murió el 28 de marzo de 1941, ahogada en el río Ouse. Al fallecer su padre, el conocido hombre de letras sir Leslie Stephen, Virginia y su hermana Vanessa abandonaron el elegante barrio de Kensington y se trasladaron al bohemio Bloomsbury, que dio nombre al brillante grupo literario formado alrededor de las hermanas Stephen. En 1912, Virginia se casó con Leonard Woolf; años después, fundaron y dirigieron juntos la editorial Hogarth Press. Considerada como una de las autoras más revolucionarias e imprescindibles del siglo xx, entre sus obras más importantes cabe destacar La señora Dalloway (1925), Al faro (1927), Orlando (1928), Las olas (1931), Los años (1937) y Entre actos (1941).


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