Humorous Readings and Recitations, in Prose and Verse

Various Leopold Wagner

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Beschreibung zu „Humorous Readings and Recitations, in Prose and Verse“

Various' 'Humorous Readings and Recitations, in Prose and Verse' is a delightful collection of witty and entertaining literary works that span across different genres including prose and poetry. This anthology showcases the diversity of humorous writing, offering readers a wide range of styles and topics to enjoy. From clever wordplay to satirical commentaries, this book is sure to bring laughter and joy to those who appreciate wit and humor. The inclusion of both prose and verse adds depth and variety to the collection, making it a well-rounded and engaging read in the literary context of humor literature. Various' skill in curating this anthology highlights the timeless appeal of humor in literature, making this book a must-read for anyone looking for a good laugh. The combination of classic and contemporary pieces ensures that there is something for every reader to enjoy in this collection, making it a versatile and entertaining addition to any bookshelf.


Good Press




ca. 183





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