Hafbur and Signe: a ballad

Various Thomas James Wise

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Beschreibung zu „Hafbur and Signe: a ballad“

Hafbur and Signe: a ballad is an epic tale of love, honor, and betrayal. Written in the classic ballad form, this book transports readers to a world of medieval romance filled with knights, damsels, and chivalry. The lyrical storytelling, rich imagery, and dramatic plot twists make this a captivating read for fans of traditional poetry and folklore. The author masterfully weaves together themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and consequences of actions in this timeless narrative. Various's elegant prose and attention to detail create a vivid picture of a bygone era, drawing readers into an immersive and enchanting experience. This ballad stands out as a tribute to the power of storytelling and the enduring appeal of classic literature. Readers who appreciate epic sagas and tales of bravery will find Hafbur and Signe a compelling and rewarding read that resonates with the human experience.


Good Press




ca. 8





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