Connecticut Wide-Awake Songster

Various John W. Hutchinson B. Jepson

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Beschreibung zu „Connecticut Wide-Awake Songster“

The 'Connecticut Wide-Awake Songster' is a collection of patriotic songs, campaign songs, and humorous parodies compiled during the 1860 presidential election in the United States. The book showcases the lively and engaging literary style of its time, embodying the spirit of political activism and fervor that characterized the era. Through its songs and verses, readers are transported to a tumultuous period in American history, gaining insight into the political climate and popular sentiments of the time. This unique compilation serves as a valuable primary source for scholars and enthusiasts of 19th-century American literature and politics. The inclusion of satirical pieces adds a layer of comedy and irony, reflecting the diversity of opinions and styles prevalent in the public discourse of the time. The compilation is a testament to the creative expressions that emerged from the political turmoil of the period. The anonymous nature of the authorship reflects the collaborative and communal spirit of political engagement. The 'Connecticut Wide-Awake Songster' serves as a window into the cultural and social dynamics of the 1860 presidential election, shedding light on the motivations and aspirations of the American people during this pivotal moment in history. Readers interested in exploring the intersection of literature, politics, and popular culture will find this book both informative and entertaining.


Good Press




ca. 45





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