Little Masterpieces of American Wit and Humor (Vol. 1&2)

An Anthology of the American Humor

Various Authors Thomas L. Masson

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Beschreibung zu „Little Masterpieces of American Wit and Humor (Vol. 1&2)“

As the title claims, the book is a real collection of the best examples of the American humorous literature. The editor gathers valuable pieces by the prominent authors like Washington Irving, Benjamin Franklin, Mark Twain and many more. It was compiled at the turn of the 19th and 20th century and its aim was to bring relaxing notes into the craze for moral seriousness in all literature, which was characteristic of that period.

Über Various Authors

There are twenty-six contributors to this collection: Gerry Boland, Barbara Boyd-Anderson, Arthur Broomfield, Martin Byrne, Marion Clarke, Dominique Cleary, Richard Clune, Paddy Doherty, William Doyle, Eamon Duffin, Reed James, Andrew Joyce, Ndrek Gjini, Graham Heneghan, Rose Kelleher, Chloe Kiely, Mitch Lavender, Ciaran McLoughlin, Alan McMonagle, Kieran Marsh, Noel O’Regan, Atila Racz, Dorothy Reed, Sean Turner, Dan Walsh, Margaret Zheng.






ca. 253





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