The knife-grinder's budget of pictures & poetry, for boys and girls

Anonymous Unknown

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Beschreibung zu „The knife-grinder's budget of pictures & poetry, for boys and girls“

Anonymous's 'The knife-grinder's budget of pictures & poetry, for boys and girls' is a charming collection of prose and verses aimed at a young audience. The book is filled with vivid and imaginative illustrations that accompany moral tales and cheerful poetry, making it an engaging read for children. Written in a simple and accessible style, this book serves as both entertainment and moral instruction for its readers, reflecting the educational literature popular during the time of its publication. Through its combination of storytelling and poetry, 'The knife-grinder's budget of pictures & poetry' provides a unique glimpse into the literature meant for young readers in the past. Anonymous's work demonstrates a deep understanding of the needs and interests of young readers, offering a thoughtful blend of entertainment and moral guidance. The author's decision to remain anonymous adds an intriguing element to the book, inviting readers to focus on the content rather than the author's identity. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in children's literature or historical educational materials.


Good Press




ca. 2





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