Korean War Armistice Agreement

United Nations Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Commander of the Chinese People's Volunteers

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Beschreibung zu „Korean War Armistice Agreement“

The 'Korean War Armistice Agreement' anthology stands as a pivotal collection, encapsulating a significant moment in the annals of 20th-century military history and diplomacy. Through its meticulous compilation, the collection presents a diverse array of documents, communications, and narratives that reveal the multifaceted nature of the armistice. This anthology draws from a rich tapestry of historical, political, and military perspectives, offering an unparallel insight into the cessation of hostilities on the Korean Peninsula. Among its contents, the reader will find profound analyses and firsthand accounts that together illuminate the complexity and the concerted efforts required for peace negotiations. The background of the contributing authors and editorsentities like the United Nations, Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army, and Commander of the Chinese People's Volunteersprovides a unique lens through which to view the agreement. Each brings to the table a distinct perspective born from their roles in international relations, military strategy, and frontline negotiation, situating this collection at the nexus of a global struggle for power, peace, and territory. This anthology thus aligns with broader movements related to Cold War dynamics, offering a nuanced understanding of how diplomatic achievements are forged amidst seemingly intractable conflict. Readers are encouraged to delve into this collection not only as a historical document but as a testament to the complex processes of peacemaking and reconciliation. The 'Korean War Armistice Agreement' offers a rare opportunity to explore the symbiotic relationship between military confrontation and diplomatic resolution from a plurality of authoritative voices. This volume educates, enlightens, and, most importantly, fosters a deeper understanding of the intricate dance between war and peace.


Good Press




ca. 23





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