Psychiatrische Differenzialdiagnostik

Vom Befund zur Diagnose - Eine Einführung

Ulrich Seidl

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Beschreibung zu „Psychiatrische Differenzialdiagnostik“

The basis for clinical work in psychiatry consists of collecting findings, recognizing and naming phenomena and diagnostic assessment. For those starting out in the field, however, it is usually difficult at first to develop a clear enough view in order to make distinctions and reach diagnoses. This book provides basic knowledge in an understandable form and provides both beginners and also more experienced clinicians with advice on terminology and diagnostic procedures. It discusses not only common diagnoses in acute psychiatry, but also potential pitfalls, difficult differential diagnoses, and therapeutic implications. Numerous clear examples provide connections with practical clinical work.

Über Ulrich Seidl

Ulrich Seidl, Jahrgang 1955, war insgesamt 40 Jahre für das Unternehmen Siemens tätig, davon fast 30 Jahre in Siemens-Regionalgesellschaften im Ausland. Er hat einen Master of Arts von der University of Lancaster, UK. Ulrich Seidl lebt mit seiner Frau in einem kleinen oberpfälzischen Ort in Bayern.


Kohlhammer Verlag




ca. 173





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