The Four Dragons: Classic Folk Stories and Traditional Fairy Tales

Melanie Voland Treehouse Books


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Beschreibung zu „The Four Dragons: Classic Folk Stories and Traditional Fairy Tales“

Once upon a time in China, there were no rivers or lakes at all, and the only water, in all the land was the Eastern sea, where four great dragons lived.

The dragons names were: The Long Dragon, the Black Dragon, the Pearl Dragon and the Yellow Dragon.

The dragons lived in the sea, and they spent most of their days swimming and playing there, but they could also fly, and play in the sky together amongst the clouds.

One day they flew high up together over the sea and mountains, and suddenly, the Pearl Dragon said, "Come and look at this..."

This free, traditional story, is very short, if you feel that you still want more at the end, why not get yourself one of our other short stories, that are only $0.99, or we have more stories you can have for free, have a look, or we have some other, longer ebooks that are only $1.99.


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