16 Traditional Tunes - 64 easy Clarinet duets (Vol.1)

beginner/intermediate level scored in 4 keys

Stephen Foster John Newton American Traditional Irish traditional traditional Catalan Jesús González Rubio Patty Smith Hill French traditional Traditional Japanese traditional Canadian

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Beschreibung zu „16 Traditional Tunes - 64 easy Clarinet duets (Vol.1)“

Traditional / popular music is full of beautiful simple songs that are familiar to listen to. They offer us a "postcard" of the part of the world they come from, they make us imagine landscapes, characters, happy or sad situations, they speak to us of love and nature. This Clarinet duets collection of 16 easy melodies (Vol.1) offers simple ideas for ensemble music, the transpositions in 4 keys (up to 2 alterations) are useful for exploring the instrument in its different ranges.
Have fun creating a medley for your recital, in the sequence, key and speed you prefer, the combinations are countless!
Contents: Amazing Grace, The Banks of the Don,Cockles and Mussels, Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes, El Testament d'Amèlia, Frère Jacques, Happy Birthday!, The House of rising sun,Londonderry Air, Mexican Hat Dance,Old MacDonald, Sakura Sakura, Simple Gifts, Spanish Romance, Turkey in the Straw,The Wayfaring Stranger.


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