The Yummy Jellybeans of Relationships

The Flavours that work

Tracey Calvert-Joshua

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Beschreibung zu „The Yummy Jellybeans of Relationships“

On the evening of my 10th birthday, my grandpa told us a story, that still replays as vividly in my mind, as it did that day. This story is NOT about my grandpa. But if that made you want to keep reading, then we have something in common.

Just like you, there is nothing that grabs my attention more than if someone starts off with a personal story. And there’s nothing that drives a point deeper, than if the story-teller references social experiments or popular fiction characters. Without these, you run the risk of it all sounding like one loooong, cleverly-disguised lecture.

The chapters of this book are named after jellybean flavours, with reference to Bertie Bott's jellybean flavours in the Harry Potter novel.

This is an playful, short read about relationship red flags, told as a bunch of FUNNY stories and social experiments, where you get to be an outside observer, but you can easily walk the experiences back to your own relationship.
You then get to decide, in a non-dictating way, whether you should still continue in the same direction, or whether it’s in your best interest to start making little changes.






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