Learn while you sleep. Quickly, simply and effectively.

Learn languages through subliminal learning. Learn foreign languages without an accent. Learn texts and vocabulary without swotting.

Tony Gaschler Steiner-Verlag

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Beschreibung zu „Learn while you sleep. Quickly, simply and effectively.“

Everything that you want to or have to learn can be learned for the most part while you sleep, whether learning languages or any other kind of knowledge.

Usually we allow ourselves eight hours' sleep a night. By the time you are celebrating your 60th birthday, you will have spent about 20 years in bed.

Don't restrict your learning to the daytime - use the night for learning, too!

Without damaging your health or your well-being, you can now use part of this time to deepen and strengthen your knowledge and skills considerably.

There are no limits placed on your learning objectives, here are just a few examples:

- learn foreign languages and vocabulary
- improve your grammatical knowledge
- prepare for exams
- practise formulas
- deepen your specialist knowledge

Learning more, for example in the area of foreign languages, is also of great importance for advanced learners. You can perfect your language knowledge of style, expression, grammatical combinations and word order.

When it is possible to store texts to be learnt in your subconscious while you are asleep, it is also possible to fix suggestions there. In a specific sleep sequence, receptivity for suggestions is particularly good. This sequence is optimally used to remove negative habits and inhibitory patterns of behaviour and to replace these with positive characteristics. The possibilities here are also very varied, here are just some examples:

- improving memory
- weight loss in the case of overweight
- strengthening self-confidence and self-awareness
- improving performance and stamina
- strength, relaxation and inner peace

The text book "Learn while you sleep" provides you with the most useful examples of pre-defined sleep suggestions for your individual adaptation.

Über Tony Gaschler

Tony Gaschler was born on 1 April 1925 in Zwiesel, Germany/Bavaria. In his younger years, he was already quite interested in the natural sciences and the humanities. His primary focus was on physics, psychology, and the healing arts. His rich uncle thus decided to pay for his university studies. However, his severe stuttering, an affliction Tony Gaschler suffered from since early childhood, prevented this. That left him with only one choice: He became a successful autodidact and acquired the necessary knowledge and skills through intensive self-study. He studied numerous technical books and self-instructional methods. The associated required practical skills he acquired through numerous self-experiments. He earned a living by selling his own instructional leaflets and self-instruction methods.

The self-instruction method MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUE was an especially great success for Tony Gaschler and he received a flood of testimonials and thank you letters from all over the world. However, his stuttering and the associated other problems for living a free and unhindered life still prevented him from achieving any true personal success. He was unable to lecture freely in front of a group or appear confident and self-assured. How Tony Gaschler solved this problem in such a wonderful way and manner is truly a success story and testament to the effectiveness of his methods - he turned from a severely emotionally inhibited stutterer into a well-liked, popular, successful, and confident training facilitator and lecturer.

Tony Gaschler talks about this in his own words: "I actually made a pretty good living. I wrote and sold my printed works quite successfully. And I was completely unhappy. I always felt my feeling of confidence and self-worth dropping when attending group courses or seminars and sensed that I was missing something. My wish to conduct training seminars and to speak freely, confidently, and convincingly in front of people became stronger and stronger. My vast knowledge and valuable skills were perfect for lecturing. And that made me decide not to write anything new until I was able to talk freely, confidently, and convincingly in front of a group of people. And I stuck with this decision. It took me a whole year to develop, test, and systematically use my own liberation method. And the result was simply astonishing for my friends and I: I was actually able to act and speak freely, self-assuredly, and confidently in front of anybody and in any situation."

These experiences were integrated into Tony Gaschler's first bestseller: The EMOTIONAL DISINHIBITION METHOD. This modern self-instruction method was published in 1962 and has reached a total circulation of almost 100 000 copies. Countless success reports and thank you letters confirm the liberating effect of this self-help method in the elimination of all types of emotional, psychological, and social feelings of inhibition and constraint.

The EMOTIONAL DISINHIBITION METHOD has been published with an additional learning CD since 2003 and is published under the title "EE METHOD" since 2004.

Tony Gaschler continues to develop successful and practical self-help methods such as "Learn While You Sleep" or "Self-Hypnosis", "Mosati Somatization", "Smoke-Free Through Autogenous Hypnosis", among others.

Today, Tony Gaschler is a freelance writer and lives in Kolbermoor near Rosenheim, Germany/Bavaria.

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