The 4th Industrial Revolution from an Ethical Perspective

Timo Plutschinski Klaus Henning Andrew Bunnell Jonathan Ebsworth Bruce A. Little Jeremy Peckham Jack Barentsen


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Beschreibung zu „The 4th Industrial Revolution from an Ethical Perspective“

As the Fourth Industrial Revolution ushers into a new era of artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality, how should we respond to the societal and ethical dilemmas associated with this new age of transformative scientific power? This research highlights the need for an ethical and globally shared view on how technology affects the economic, social, cultural and spiritual aspects of daily life. With thanks to the international team of experts this book is outlining consequences of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in a broad range for business and work life, for leadership, for media and communication, for churches and for personal and family life. Authors are: Prof. Dr. Jack Barentsen (USA) Andrew Bunnell (USA) Jonathan Ebsworth (United Kingdom) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Henning (Germany) Prof. Dr. Bruce A. Little (USA) Jeremy Peckham (United Kingdom) Rev. Timo Plutschinski (Germany) Sallux Publishing Printed Edition: ISBN 978-94-92697-20-2


Sallux Publishing




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