The Night Life of the Gods

Thorne Smith

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Beschreibung zu „The Night Life of the Gods“

Thorne Smith's 'The Night Life of the Gods' is a humorous and imaginative novel that takes a satirical look at the gods of Greek mythology coming to life in modern-day society. Written with a whimsical and witty tone, the book combines elements of fantasy, comedy, and social commentary. Smith masterfully weaves a tale of chaos and hilarity as the gods navigate the complexities of the human world. The novel's unique blend of mythology and modernity offers a fresh perspective on timeless themes of power, identity, and the clash of cultures. 'The Night Life of the Gods' is a delightful read that will entertain and provoke thought in equal measure. Thorne Smith's writing style is both playful and clever, making this book a standout in the realm of comedic fantasy literature. With its inventive premise and entertaining narrative, this novel is sure to captivate readers of all ages and backgrounds.


Good Press




ca. 273





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