The Origin of Christian Science

Thomas Polhill Stafford

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Beschreibung zu „The Origin of Christian Science“

In 'The Origin of Christian Science' by Thomas Polhill Stafford, the author delves deep into the historical and theological roots of Christian Science, exploring its origins and development within the context of the broader Christian tradition. Stafford's writing style is scholarly and meticulous, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the beliefs and practices of Christian Science. Through detailed analysis and comparative study, Stafford offers insight into how Christian Science has evolved over time and its impact on modern religious thought. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in religious studies and the history of Christian denominations. Thomas Polhill Stafford's expertise in theology and religious history shines through in this insightful and thought-provoking work, making it a must-read for scholars and students alike. 'The Origin of Christian Science' is a compelling exploration of a significant religious movement that continues to influence contemporary spirituality, recommended for those seeking a deeper understanding of Christian Science and its place in the religious landscape.


Good Press




ca. 175





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