Coaching und Supervision

Psychodynamische Beratung von Führungskräften

Thomas Kretschmar Andreas Hamburger

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Beschreibung zu „Coaching und Supervision“

The psychodynamic approach is now also becoming increasingly important in the field of counselling for managers. The topic is discussed in this book in a dialogue between an entrepreneur who has found his way into psychoanalysis and a psychoanalyst who also works in work-related counselling with managers, entrepreneurs and consultants.
Following a discussion of terminology, the book starts with the history of psychodynamic work in companies down to the present day and provides an overview of the market. Basic psychoanalytic concepts that are important for work with the unconscious and their importance for coaching and supervision are then explained. This is followed by an overview of current research on coaching and supervision. The book closes with example cases, which are explored in the balance between psychodynamic counselling techniques and an overall psychoanalytic examination.

Über Thomas Kretschmar

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kretschmar, Jahrgang 1963, leitet das Mind Institute SE in Berlin. Methoden der imaginativen Psychotherapie setzt er nicht nur bei der Therapie seiner Patienten ein, sondern auch als Coach von Führungskräften und in der psychologischen Unternehmerberatung.


Kohlhammer Verlag




ca. 185





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