JUDE THE OBSCURE (British Classics Series)

Historical Romance Novel

Thomas Hardy

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This carefully crafted ebook: "JUDE THE OBSCURE (British Classics Series)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents.
Jude the Obscure tells the story of Jude Fawley, a stonemason who dreams of becoming a scholar, and Sue Bridehead, his cousin and also his central love interest. The novel is concerned in particular with issues of class, education, religion and marriage. Jude is a working-class young man who lives in a village in southern England who yearns to be a scholar at "Christminster", a city modelled on Oxford. As a youth, Jude teaches himself Classical Greek and Latin in his spare time, while working in his great-aunt's bakery, with the hope of entering university. After a failed marriage, Jude moves to Christminster and supports himself as a mason while studying alone. There, he meets and falls in love with his free-spirited cousin, Sue, who also experiences failed marriage. The couple end up living together and have children, but they are socially ostracized and experience great deal of trouble.
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) was an English novelist and poet. A Victorian realist in the tradition of George Eliot, he was influenced both in his novels and in his poetry by Romanticism, especially William Wordsworth and Charles Dickens. Like Dickens, he was highly critical of much in Victorian society, though Hardy focused more on a declining rural society. While Hardy regarded himself primarily as a poet, initially he gained fame as the author of novels, including Far from the Madding Crowd, Tess of the d'Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure. Most of his fictional works were set in the semi-fictional region of Wessex. They explored tragic characters struggling against their passions and social circumstances.

Über Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy nació en 1840 en Higher Bockhampton (Dorset), hijo de un maestro de obras. Fue aprendiz y discípulo de un arquitecto en Dorchester y posteriormente delineante en Londres, en pleno fervor del estilo neogótico.

En 1872, animado por George Meredith tras haber conseguido publicar tres novelas, abandonó la arquitectura para dedicarse a escribir. Under the Greenwood Tree había iniciado ese mismo año el ciclo de «novelas de Wessex», nombre del antiguo reino sajón que había comprendido las actuales regiones de Dorset y Wiltshire; a este ciclo pertenecen, entre otras, Lejos del mundanal ruido (1874), donde el nombre de Wessex aparece explícitamente por primera vez, The Return of the Native (1878), The Trumpet-Major (1880), El alcalde de Casterbridge (1886; Alba Clásica, núm. XXV y Albaminus núm. 11) y Tess la de los d’Urbeville (1891), además de Jude el oscuro (1895; Alba clásica núm. XI), cuya escandalosa acogida le «curó para siempre», según sus propias palabras, «de todo interés por seguir escribiendo novelas».

Su arte se concentró entonces en la poesía, en una serie de volúmenes publicados en su mayor parte después de 1898. Fue autor también de un gran drama épico, The Dynasts (1904-1908). Hardy murió en Dorchester en 1928.

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