Elements of Agricultural Chemistry

Thomas Anderson

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Beschreibung zu „Elements of Agricultural Chemistry“

Thomas Anderson's 'Elements of Agricultural Chemistry' is a comprehensive and insightful examination of the chemical aspects of agriculture. Written in a clear and accessible style, this book delves into the fundamental principles of chemistry as they relate to the cultivation of crops and the management of soil fertility. Anderson's meticulous research and practical examples make this book an invaluable resource for farmers, agricultural scientists, and anyone interested in understanding the chemistry behind successful agriculture. Set against the backdrop of the 19th-century agricultural revolution, 'Elements of Agricultural Chemistry' reflects Anderson's deep knowledge and passion for the subject. His expertise shines through in every chapter, where he explores the importance of nutrients, soil composition, and plant growth in a detailed and engaging manner. Readers will appreciate Anderson's dedication to providing a well-rounded exploration of agricultural chemistry, making this book a must-read for those seeking a deeper understanding of farming practices and techniques.


Good Press




ca. 263





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