
Theophile Gautier

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Beschreibung zu „Jettatura“

Theophile Gautier's 'Jettatura' is a fascinating exploration of superstition and the power of the evil eye set within the framework of a captivating romance. Written in Gautier's characteristic poetic and descriptive style, the novella delves into the psychological effects of belief in curses and the fear of malevolent forces. The story unfolds with a sense of mystery and suspense, drawing the reader into a world where reality and superstition collide. Gautier's intricate prose and vivid imagery create a rich literary tapestry that incorporates elements of both Romanticism and supernatural fiction, making 'Jettatura' a unique and compelling work of 19th-century literature. The novella offers a thought-provoking reflection on the human psyche and the intricate workings of fate and fear, making it a captivating read for those interested in Gothic literature and psychological themes.

Über Theophile Gautier

William Wirt Sikes (1836-1883) was a writer and journalist who was appointed to the U.S. Counsel at Cardiff, Wales in 1876. It was there that he undertook the studying and preservation of Welsh folkore and history. He is said to have employed as many as thirty pen names during his writing life.


Good Press




ca. 94





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