When the Refugees Are Gone, They'll Come after Us

Experiences with Anti-Semitism in Central Europe after Auschwitz

The Youth of Europe against Anti-Semitism The Youth of Europe against Anti-Semitism

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Beschreibung zu „When the Refugees Are Gone, They'll Come after Us“

How have people's knowledge about and attitudes towards the Shoah and anti-Semitism evolved over time? This book compiles various perspectives on anti-Semitism in Germany, Latvia, and Poland. 26 people, Jewish and non-Jewish, working in the field of historical, psychological, or philosophical research, as educators, or as activists against anti-Semitism, have been interviewed between 2016 and 2018 by the project group "The Youth of Europe against Anti-Semitism". This publication documents the experiences that the young adults involved in the project made during the interviews, providing the reader with a mosaic of views on the development of anti-Semitism in the three countries since 1945, its current manifestations and connections to collective memory and history politics, as well as ideas on ways to overcome anti-Semitism.


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