Old Ugly-Face

Talbot Mundy

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Beschreibung zu „Old Ugly-Face“

In 'Old Ugly-Face' by Talbot Mundy, readers are immersed in a gripping adventure story set in the exotic backdrop of British India. The narrative masterfully weaves together elements of romance, danger, and intrigue, drawing readers into a world of political upheaval and personal struggle. Mundy's descriptive prose and attention to detail transport the reader to a bygone era, where honor and betrayal go hand in hand. The novel's literary style reflects Mundy's deep understanding of the region and its complex history, making it a captivating and enlightening read for fans of adventure fiction. The author's use of vivid imagery and well-developed characters adds depth to the narrative, keeping readers engaged from start to finish. 'Old Ugly-Face' stands out as a classic example of Mundy's storytelling prowess and his ability to captivate audiences with his immersive narratives.


Good Press




ca. 607





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