Orphans of War

Sylvia Broady

Hörbuch Romane Historische Romane

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Beschreibung zu „Orphans of War“

Sixteen-year-old Charlotte Kirby believes she's all alone in the world when her mother is killed in a bombing raid. But then a mysterious aunt comes forward and offers her a home in the small Yorkshire village where she and her husband George run the local pub. Charlotte finds it hard to adjust to rural life. She doesn't mind helping out in the pub, but she can't understand why her Aunt Hilda seems to resent her so. When a group of French orphans are brought to live in the big house, Charlotte volunteers to help look after them - and finds a new purpose in life. Then a band of Free French soldiers is billeted in the village, including a handsome young officer...But Emile has a tragedy in his past - and Charlotte must uncover both his and her own family's secrets if she and Emile are to have a chance of happiness.

Gelesen von:

Catherine Harvey






11 Std. 44 Min.





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