The Home Front Girls

Susanna Bavin

Hörbuch Romane Historische Romane

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Beschreibung zu „The Home Front Girls“

Manchester, 1940: the minute war was declared, best friends Sally and Debs volunteered for the home guard. An Auxiliary Fire Service girl by night, Sally ends up stationed at the salvage depot by day. When Sally meets Andrew, a quiet carpenter with a heart-breaking smile, she finally feels as though her efforts are making a difference. As love blossoms, Sally feels herself opening up to Andrew in a way she'd never imagined possible. But then, a devastating air raid threatens everything she holds dear. Rushing towards the plumes of smoke that fill the night sky, Sally is horrified to realise the very worst hit area has the salvage yard - and Andrew's workshop - right at the heart. Sally, with her fellow scrapyard girls by her side, sets to work. But what will they find when the smoke clears? Will Sally and Andrew get the happy ending they so deserve?

Gelesen von:

Julia Franklin






9 Std. 52 Min.





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