CLOVER (Beloved Children's Books Series)

The Wonderful Adventures of Katy Carr's Sister in Colorado

Susan Coolidge

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Beschreibung zu „CLOVER (Beloved Children's Books Series)“

Clover – In this sequel to What Katy Did Trilogy, Clover Carr (Katy's sister) is now grown up and after Katy's marriage, she is left to take care of his ailing brother "Little Phill" in the mountains of Colorado. Luckily for the home-sick Clover her cousin Clarence Page also lives there with his partner Geoff Templestowe and young love blossoms between Geoff and Clover! Susan Coolidge, pen name of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey (1835–1905), was an American children's author who is best known for her Katy Carr Series. The fictional Carr family of this series was modeled after Woolsey's own family and the protagonist Katy Carr was inspired by Woolsey herself; while the brothers and sisters "Little Carrs" were modeled on her four younger siblings.


Musaicum Books




ca. 160





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