Strong Girls in History

15 Young Achievers You Should Know

Susan B. Katz


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Beschreibung zu „Strong Girls in History“

Inspiring stories of unstoppable girls and everything they achieved—for kids ages 8 to 12

Girls are smart, capable, and determined! All over the world, young women have made huge strides in pop culture, politics, social justice, and more. This book explores 15 of these girls and the incredible impact they made before they were even 20 years old. Discover how they powered through challenges and stood up to anyone who said they couldn't make a difference.

  • The girl who invented a genre—Read about famous author S. E. Hinton, who wrote the bestselling book The Outsiders as a teenager and helped launch the popularity of Young Adult novels.
  • A protector of natural resources—Learn how Autumn Peltier became the chief water commissioner for the Anishinabek Nation in Ontario, Canada, when she was just 14 years old.
  • A champion for equality—Find out how 11-year-old activist Marley Dias started a campaign to collect books featuring Black girls as the main character and donate them to schools around the world.

Show any ambitious girl how much talent and power she has inside her with Strong Girls Change History.


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