Martin Luther King Decoded

Take A Deep Dive Into The Mind Of The Historic Minister And Activist (Extended Edition)

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Beschreibung zu „Martin Luther King Decoded“

Martin Luther King Decoded

Historic minister and activist

Learn about themes like:

Changing unjust law

How to fight effectively against injustice

Seeking racial justice

Social justice

You will also learn the following:

How to continue the fight for social justice to end racism and discrimination.

Find spiritual grounding, historical arguments and faith to end injustice.

Fight for justice without selfishness, violence or breaking the law.

You will discover his answers to all of these questions:

Social justice

Should the law be broken when it’s unjust?

How should one fight against injustice?

Why fight an unjust the law without breaking the law?

How to prevent riots while fighting for social justice?

Why we need spiritual grounding to fight against injustice?

Politics and luck

How to solve poverty?

Why america didn’t keep its promise?

Why you need a little luck?

Culture and history

Moral obligation is above the law?

How was history made on the breaking of unjust laws?

What have black people inherited from america?

How language creates reality?

How historical fights for social justice still continue today?


Why power and love should go hand in hand?

When is maladjustment a good thing?

Why believe in yourself?

What is excellence?

What is brotherhood?

How to plan your life’s blueprint?

Why selfishness won’t get you far?

So, get started right now.

Decode Martin Luther King and level up!






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