Jesse Jess - Agent on the move - Chasing the Time...Saving the Pole Dancer

Stjepan Polic


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Beschreibung zu „Jesse Jess - Agent on the move - Chasing the Time...Saving the Pole Dancer“

Interesting fictional story based on true journey made by writer, who used to visit all states and cities mentioned in his story. This fine story is going to let you to identify yourself with the main characters, staying emotionally involved, offering you a chance to join the deadly mission of young handsome agent who is on the hunt, trying to save kidnapped pole dancer, which is one beautiful and exceptional woman ... Melanie! Staying on the begining of his career agent Jesse Jess - Double J, started to build his own mode of action, creating authentic style that will bring him to the stars. Having already some very own habbits like drinking his favorite Harvey Wallbanger cocktail, he wins his readers with his manners, his honesty and sincerity, his humanity and intellect and after all with his very own way of acting. Very estimate readers ... take the bull by the horns sailing across excited Mediterranean together with Jesse Jess being a part of his race against time ... a few days is not much time, but every second was of vital importance for kiddnaped Melanie ...! Happy sailing ...


Stjepan Polic




ca. 127





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