The Complete Aliens vs. Predator Omnibus

Steve Perry S.D. Perry

Science Fiction

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Beschreibung zu „The Complete Aliens vs. Predator Omnibus“

Contains three classic, previously published Alien vs Predator novels: Prey, Hunter's Planet and War. Machiko Noguchi accepted the supervision of the Ryushi ranching colony as a challenge. Little did she know that soon she would defend it with her life. First the carcass of a spider-like alien is discovered. Then a rancher's family is massacred. It soon becomes clear that two strains of alien life have landed near the settlement of Prosperity Wells. One kind has been spawned as the prey in a deadly hunt. The other is the Predator.

Über Steve Perry

Steve Perry verfasst ebenfalls Drehbücher für die Fernsehserie Batman und hat bereits über 50 Romane veröffentlicht. Er ist verheiratet und hat zwei Kinder. Seine Tochter tritt gerade in seine Fußstapfen als SF-Autorin.


Titan Books




ca. 552





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