The Solitary Man

Stephen Leather

Hörbuch Romane Krimis

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Beschreibung zu „The Solitary Man“

Chris Hutchinson is a man on the run. Imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit, Hutch escapes from a British maximum security prison and starts a new life in Hong Kong. Then a ghost from his past catches up with him, forcing him to help a former terrorist break out of a Bankok prison. Or face life behind bars once more. Meanwhile the Drug Enforcement Administration wants to nail the vicious drug warlord responsible fo rflooding the States with cheap heroin. And decides to use Hutch as a pawn in a deadly game. Hutch's bid for freedom takes him into the lawless killing fields of the Golden Triangle, where the scene is set for one final act of betrayal…

Über Stephen Leather

Stephen Leather wurde in Manchester geboren. Er studierte Biochemie an der University of Bath. Bevor er sich 1992 ganz dem Schreiben widmete, war er als Journalist tätig. Stephen Leather lebt in Irland, wo er bereits an seinem nächsten Thriller arbeitet.

Gelesen von:

Paul Thornley


Isis Audio




17 Std. 36 Min.





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