Pay Off

Stephen Leather

Hörbuch Romane Krimis

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Beschreibung zu „Pay Off“

Why does a wealthy Scottish financier set up a drugs deal with the IRA? Jeopardise his career, endanger his family and lover by tangling with the East End underworld and a ruthless mercenary? The motive is simple: revenge for a cold-blooded act of murder. His adversary is a dangerous gangland boss whose connections stretch from the Highlands to London and beyond. More than a match for a newcomer, especially when his plans contain a fatal flaw, which will be discovered only when it is much too late…

Über Stephen Leather

Stephen Leather wurde in Manchester geboren. Er studierte Biochemie an der University of Bath. Bevor er sich 1992 ganz dem Schreiben widmete, war er als Journalist tätig. Stephen Leather lebt in Irland, wo er bereits an seinem nächsten Thriller arbeitet.

Gelesen von:

Paul Thornley


Isis Audio




7 Std. 17 Min.





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