Killing Time

Stephen Leather

Hörbuch Romane Krimis

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Beschreibung zu „Killing Time“

Serial killers never retire. They just go on hiatus. The urge to kill is always there, bubbling below the surface. Billy and Charlie thought their killing days were behind them. They used to be prolific life-takers, but old age finally caught up with them.
Now they are ending their days in a dismal nursing home in Blackpool, with only their memories to keep them going. Memories of murder and mutilation. But when Archie turns up at the home, everything changes. Archie is a breath of fresh air and he puts new life into Billy and Charlie - and before long they realise that it's time to start killing again.

Über Stephen Leather

Stephen Leather wurde in Manchester geboren. Er studierte Biochemie an der University of Bath. Bevor er sich 1992 ganz dem Schreiben widmete, war er als Journalist tätig. Stephen Leather lebt in Irland, wo er bereits an seinem nächsten Thriller arbeitet.

Gelesen von:

Paul Thornley


Isis Audio




7 Std. 32 Min.





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