First Response

Stephen Leather

Hörbuch Romane Krimis

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Beschreibung zu „First Response“

London is under siege. Nine men in suicide vests primed to explode hold hostages in nine different locations around the city. Their mission: to force the government to release jihadist prisoners from Belmarsh Prison. The bombers are cleanskins, terrorists with no obvious link to any group, and who do not appear on any anti-terror watch list. What has brought them together? Mo Kamran is the Superintendent in charge of the Special Crime and Operations branch of the Met. As the disaster unfolds, he is tasked with preventing the biggest terrorist outrage the capital has ever known. But nothing is what it seems. And only Kamran has the big picture. Will anyone believe him?

Über Stephen Leather

Stephen Leather wurde in Manchester geboren. Er studierte Biochemie an der University of Bath. Bevor er sich 1992 ganz dem Schreiben widmete, war er als Journalist tätig. Stephen Leather lebt in Irland, wo er bereits an seinem nächsten Thriller arbeitet.

Gelesen von:

Paul Thornley


Isis Audio




11 Std. 1 Min.





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