Desperate Measures

Stephen Leather

Hörbuch Romane Krimis

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Beschreibung zu „Desperate Measures“

She put her life on the line for her family. But now it's time to pay the price. All Malee wanted was a better life for herself and her son. And the only way she could make that happen was to sell her body. But her plan falls apart when she arrives in London at the start of the Covid pandemic. She risks everything to support her family - but as the country goes into lockdown, she runs into Russian gangsters who have their own plans for her. Before long the Russians are forcing her to work for them. If she refuses, they'll kill her. Now it's not about working for a better life - now it's a matter of survival.

Über Stephen Leather

Stephen Leather wurde in Manchester geboren. Er studierte Biochemie an der University of Bath. Bevor er sich 1992 ganz dem Schreiben widmete, war er als Journalist tätig. Stephen Leather lebt in Irland, wo er bereits an seinem nächsten Thriller arbeitet.

Gelesen von:

Megan Soh


Isis Audio




8 Std. 45 Min.





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