Lost Places Magazine Special Edition 1

June 2015 Airport Rangsdorf

Stephan Rehfeldt

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Only the aircraft manufacturer Carl Clemens Bücker (1895-1976), one could devote a separate picture book but as so often in life is his genius in the construction of civil aircraft in the military significance of this location under.
We have to admit, the main building and annex of the airfield are now in such a poor state that it was difficult for us during shooting, to dive into this past and this Lost Places to imagine in the past as a linchpin of German aviation. But more on that later.
We are happy to encourage our readers to visit our Lost Places, and point to the direct risks on site. However, this time it's different. The airfield Rangsdorf is a strongly fenced and guarded around the clock area is still not clarified their future use. A lost place, which would really deserve to be not only provided under the compulsory preservation. Of this we read on our tours so often. Everything is a listed building and then degenerates but over the years, because the interests of the owner only rarely have a reasonable and viable recovery plan.
Around the airfield are over the years and especially after the reunification of Germany a large number of single-family houses arose which come close directly to the airfields. It does not take an expert in land prices and property transactions have to imagine in which direction this trend.
Who wants to travel through this airport like and photograph should familiarize yourself with that many photos can only be done by outside the walls and barriers. However, you should expect "harassing" by local residents, tourists with photo equipment do not seem to be here welcome.


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