Icediamonds Trilogy Volume 2

Nothing is enough for whom enough is too little

Stefan Prebil

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Beschreibung zu „Icediamonds Trilogy Volume 2“

In this second book of the Ice Diamonds trilogy - the story of Samuel Frei, a dropout in his mid-fifties, of extraordinary love, of unspeakable greed and international money-laundering - the adventure takes yet another turn.
Now that they have survived the volcanos and earthquakes of Iceland, Samuel Frei, his diving colleagues and his burgeoning love, Marie, have arrived in Interlaken, Switzerland. Aside from their traumatic experiences, they also carry the milky white stones they discovered in a lava fissure on their trek to Reykjavik.

At Sam's lakeside home, they realize how thoroughly the stones could change their lives, awakening both bombastic dreams of endless riches as well as suspicions, endangering love and friendship. Trying to discover whether they really have diamonds, the divers are drawn into a whirlpool of greed, a hunger for power and the cold-blooded interests of a diamond syndicate that threatens to drown them all.






ca. 147





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