Under the Red Robe

Stanley John Weyman

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Beschreibung zu „Under the Red Robe“

Stanley John Weyman's 'Under the Red Robe' is a thrilling historical novel set in 17th-century France during the reign of King Louis XIII. The story follows the adventures of Gil de Berault, a dashing young swordsman who becomes entangled in a web of intrigue and romance as he navigates the dangerous political landscape of the time. Weyman's vivid descriptions and attention to historical detail bring the world of 17th-century France to life, immersing readers in a gripping tale of love, betrayal, and redemption. The novel's fast-paced plot and well-drawn characters make it a classic example of historical romantic fiction. Weyman's elegant prose and intricate plotting elevate 'Under the Red Robe' above typical novels of its genre, making it a compelling read for fans of historical fiction and adventure stories. With its blend of action, romance, and political intrigue, 'Under the Red Robe' is sure to captivate readers looking for a thrilling ride through a bygone era.


Good Press




ca. 189





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