As Above so Below


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Beschreibung zu „As Above so Below“

Are you seeking to create real change in your life, but are lost finding where to start?

Then look no further than this book, because here you'll find everything you need to begin the journey.

The modern age has sparked a sense of powerlessness in countless people, forcing them to give up and settle for a life that leaves them dissatisfied because they can find no escape. But for those who are able and willing to keep searching despite the odds, this book is the light at the end of the tunnel - not merely an escape, but a door to unlimited opportunities to change your life forever. It is the portal through which you will find empowerment, and the means by which you will retake control of your life.

Within its pages you will find the insight and wisdom of the ancient Egyptian thinkers, tested by thousands of years and proven in their universal nature that can be applied to anyone - regardless of age, gender, education, social status, or nationality. It is the insight of the society that built the pyramids and other cultural marvels. It is the wisdom of the teachers that laid down the foundation of the great empires of the ancient world. It is the secret to a long and fruitful life, where you are in control of your own destiny.

All that is required is a willingness to open your mind, and then to open the pages of this book. Inside is where your adventure begins.


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