What Stays Unsaid

Sophie Flynn

Hörbuch Romane Thriller

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Beschreibung zu „What Stays Unsaid“

You are invited to a surprise joint hen-do to celebrate our two brides, Alex and Millie Location: Remote Dartmoor Farmhouse Don't forget to RSVP and remember, watch what you say. . . As friends gather for a hen weekend, they are all smiles, but cannot hide the web of tension that bubbles beneath the surface. The group was forever broken by the devastating loss of their childhood friend, Becca. The prettiest and most powerful of them all, her absence lies at the heart of this fractured friendship. Now, decades later, someone wants to expose the truth about what happened, and will stop at nothing to reveal the secrets long since buried. As a dark storm gathers out on the moors, dangerous secrets and accusations threaten to explode between the group. Will they all survive the fall-out?

Gelesen von:

Jessica Preddy Helen Keeley Julie Maisey Meg Travers Rosalind Steele Tasmin Kennard


Isis Audio




10 Std. 4 Min.





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