Twelve Years in the Grave Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp.

Soleilmavis Liu

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Beschreibung zu „Twelve Years in the Grave Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp.“

Being taken into the Usa Embassy in Hong Kong, and her brain was remotely controlled by electromagnetic mind control tech, Soleilmavis' story sounded weird,but it was true. Suffering horrible pain and many other strange symptoms, Soleilmavis Liu, one of many private citizens, discovered that she and many other people were test-subject victims for the study of electromagnetic spectrums mind control weapons and global surveillance equipment. This book tells the true story that during her horrible period in the grave, her soul was waylaid, but God answered her cries, and gave her love and support. Losing her life to find God was a true consolation and brought joy to her soul and gave her the strength to be a soldier rather than a victim. She worked hard to seek justice by exposing these horrible crimes to the public, which - if not exposed and publicized - in the future humanity would no longer know the meaning of physical inviolability and privacy.


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