8th Loop for the Win! With Seven Lives' Worth of XP and the Third Princess's Appraisal Skill, My Behemoth and I Are Unstoppable! Volume 2



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Beschreibung zu „8th Loop for the Win! With Seven Lives' Worth of XP and the Third Princess's Appraisal Skill, My Behemoth and I Are Unstoppable! Volume 2“

Remille seems to have made some progress toward breaking free from his grisly fate. But even after his success in the civil war, he can’t rest on his laurels. He’s gotten much stronger than he’s ever been before, but Ciel isn’t done with him just yet. She’s come up with her own crazy plan—the first part of which is getting Remille to tame a god. He’s not ready for that quite yet, and getting that good is going to be a rocky road, but Ciel’s training methods are, well, what one might call “extremely effective.” With her guidance and the support of his beloved followers, this time he might be able to make the impossible possible. Taming a god doesn’t seem so out of reach after all!


J-Novel Club




ca. 112





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