The Kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû El-Yezdî

Sir Richard Francis Burton

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Beschreibung zu „The Kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû El-Yezdî“

Sir Richard Francis Burton's 'The Kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû El-Yezdî' is a poetic masterpiece that reflects his deep interest in Eastern culture and philosophy. Written in the style of a traditional Persian poem, the Kasîdah delves into themes of life, love, and the search for meaning in the world. Burton's use of rich, descriptive language and intricate symbolism creates a mesmerizing reading experience for those interested in Eastern literature and philosophy. Set against the backdrop of the Middle East, the poem offers a unique perspective on spirituality and the human experience. The Kasîdah stands as a testament to Burton's linguistic prowess and his fascination with exploring different cultures and belief systems. As a renowned explorer and scholar of his time, Burton's work reflects his desire to bridge the gap between East and West through the power of poetry. I highly recommend this book to readers who appreciate profound philosophical reflections and lyrical beauty in their literary exploration.


Good Press




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