Seven Discourses on Art

Henry Morley Sir Joshua Reynolds

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Beschreibung zu „Seven Discourses on Art“

In 'Seven Discourses on Art' by Sir Joshua Reynolds, readers are introduced to a collection of lectures delivered by the renowned artist and founding member of the Royal Academy of Arts. Reynolds discusses the principles of art and highlights the importance of studying the works of the Old Masters. His refined literary style and profound insights into the art of painting make this book a timeless masterpiece in the field of art theory and appreciation. The book serves as a significant contribution to the Enlightenment era, reflecting on the role of art in society and the artist's creative process. Reynolds' emphasis on the importance of imitation and study in the pursuit of artistic excellence distinguishes this work from other art discourse of the time. Through his eloquent prose, Reynolds encourages readers to approach art with a critical eye and a deep appreciation for the beauty of the natural world. Sir Joshua Reynolds's extensive knowledge and decades-long experience as a painter and art theorist shine through in 'Seven Discourses on Art', making it a must-read for art enthusiasts, students, and scholars alike, seeking to gain a deeper understanding of the principles of aesthetics and artistic composition.


Good Press




ca. 115





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