The Life of Matthew Flinders

Sir Ernest Scott

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Beschreibung zu „The Life of Matthew Flinders“

In 'The Life of Matthew Flinders' by Sir Ernest Scott, the reader is taken on a historical journey through the life of the renowned explorer and cartographer Matthew Flinders. Scott's meticulous research and attention to detail bring Flinders' compelling story to life, highlighting his groundbreaking voyages and contributions to Australian history. The book is written in a detailed and engaging style, making it a valuable resource for those interested in early Australian exploration and navigation. Scott's depiction of Flinders' adventures captures the imagination and presents a vivid picture of the challenges faced by explorers during this era. This biography is not only a tribute to Flinders but also a reflection of the larger historical context in which he lived and worked. Sir Ernest Scott's expertise as a historian and scholar is evident in his thorough examination of Flinders' life and legacy. His in-depth knowledge and passion for the subject shine through, making this book a must-read for history enthusiasts, students, and anyone fascinated by the exploration of the unknown.


Good Press




ca. 428





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