The Watchers of the Trails: A Book of Animal Life

Sir Charles G. D. Roberts

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Beschreibung zu „The Watchers of the Trails: A Book of Animal Life“

Sir Charles G. D. Roberts' 'The Watchers of the Trails: A Book of Animal Life' is an enchanting collection of short stories that explores the natural world through the eyes of various animal protagonists. Roberts' poetic and descriptive prose immerses the reader in the beauty and harsh realities of the wilderness. Each story delves into the intricate relationships, struggles, and survival instincts of different animals, making the book a captivating read for nature lovers and literary enthusiasts alike. The vivid imagery and deep emotional connections portrayed in the stories showcase Roberts' remarkable talent for storytelling and his love for the natural world. This book is a masterpiece of Canadian literature and a timeless classic in the genre of animal fiction. The intricate narratives and compelling characters will leave a lasting impression on readers of all ages, making it a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the wonders of the animal kingdom.


Good Press




ca. 192





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