100 Greatest Cycling Climbs of the Tour de France

A cyclist's guide to riding the mountains of Le Tour

Simon Warren

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Beschreibung zu „100 Greatest Cycling Climbs of the Tour de France“

Simon Warren's 100 Greatest Cycling Climbs of the Tour de France is the ultimate cyclist's guide to the iconic climbs of Le Tour. From the Col du Tourmalet to Alpe d'Huez, and from Mont Ventoux to Planche des Belles Filles, these climbs are the beating heart of the world's greatest bike race. Technology may advance, training and diet may evolve, but these mountains are a constant. They have witnessed triumph and despair, courage and heartache; they are where champions are made and where dreams are shattered. And, yes, the greatest arenas of the world's oldest and most prestigious Grand Tour are open 365 days of the year for every one of us to go and ride. So, take up the challenge and emulate your heroes on the greatest cycling climbs of the Tour de France. This second edition is fully updated for 2024.


Vertebrate Publishing




ca. 89





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